Визуальный редактор

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Другой цвет #
\n"); board.document.write("\n"); board.document.write("\n"); board.document.close(); } //Link function OpenLink() { if (frames.message.document.selection.type == 'Control'){ var range = frames.message.document.selection.createRange(); if (range.item(0).tagName == 'IMG'){ var img = range.item(0).outerHTML; var newWindowFeatures="dependent=1,Height=120,Width=250"; var board=window.open("","InsertLinks",newWindowFeatures); board.document.open(); board.document.write(""); board.document.write(" Вставка гиперссылки "); board.document.write("\ "); board.document.write("\ "); board.document.write("\ "); board.document.write("\ "); board.document.write("\ "); board.document.write("\ "); board.document.write("\ "); board.document.write("\
Saves the current content in the editor
Removes the selected content and places it into the clipboard.
Copies the selected content into the clipboard.
Inserts content from the clipboard into the editor at the selected position.
Deletes the selected content from the editor.
Undoes the last operation in the editor.
Redoes the last operation in the editor.
Inserts a horizontal rule at the selected position in the editor.
Opens the image window to allow an image to be inserted into the editor at the selected position.
Opens the hyperlink window to allow a hyperlink to be created using the selected content.
Opens the anchor window to allow an anchor to be created using the selected content.
Clears the hyperlink from the selected content.
Opens the help window.
Aligns the selected content to the left.
Centers the selected content.
Aligns the selected content to the right.
Inserts an ordered list.
Inserts an unordered list.
Unindents the selected content.
Indents the selected content.
Bolds the selected text.
Italicizes the selected text.
Underlines the selected text.
Changes the selected text to superscript.
Changes the selected text to subscript.
Changes the foreground color of the selected text.
Changes the background color of the selected text.
Inserts a table into the editor at the selected position.
Inserts a cell into the selected row.
Deletes the selected cell.
Inserts a row above the selected row.
Deletes the selected row.
Inserts a column to the left of the selected cell.
Deletes the selected column.
Splits the selected cell into two cells.
Makes all table borders visible.
'); board.document.close(); } //} //-->
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